TurfSolv is a highly effective insecticide that will treat a leatherjacket infestation quickly and cheaply.
As a lot of insecticides for lawn treatment have been removed from the UK market, many lawn and turn enthusiasts have been left unable to adequately treat their pest-infected turf. TurfSolv has been the answer to many pest and lawn dilemmas.
TurfSolv is the leading environmentally friendly, high performance, and cost effective solution to lawn woes. It offers pest and disease control through physical action, rather than chemical, and is made from easily biodegradable ingredients.
TurfSolv is also water soluble and creates a solution that is completely safe for human exposure and will have no impact on the surrounding environment – including soil and water.
You can also combine it with other liquid lawn treatments to enhance mineral and nutrient uptake for an overall healthier lawn.
TurfSolv And Leatherjacket Larvae

Leatherjackets are the larvae of the Crane fly – also known as the Daddy Long Legs – and most frequently appear in the summer and autumn period.
Each female can lay over 300 eggs that hatch into larvae in about two weeks and then remain in the soil for up to nine months, feasting on the stems of the grass and plants. This will cause significant damage to the grass, resulting in yellow and dead patches across the lawn.
With so many of them living in the lawn for such a long time, getting rid of them can feel like a nightmare, especially when the local bird population realises and begins to attack the lawn to get to the grubs.
Fortunately, TurfSolv will effectively kill all larvae in a few applications without causing any damage to the lawn or to your health. You do not need a licence to apply TurfSolv or to purchase it, meaning that it is available to the public directly.
Furthermore, the active ingredients that act as pest control agents are live so there are limited restrictions on storage and use of the product.
Even better news is that there are no temperature requirements for using TurfSolv – simply apply to the required areas on two occasions a few days apart, and sit back and relax as your lawn returns to its former glory. You do need to water the lawn after you have applied TurfSolv, but there is no need to rig up an irrigation system.
How To Use TurfSolv
General Application
Firstly, you need to work out the size of the area that you would like to apply TurfSolv in metres.
Once you have worked this out, you need to mix 2ml of TurfSolv for every square metre of lawn with 100ml of water. So, if you wished to apply TufSolv to a lawn that is 200m2, you would need to put 2ml of TurfSolv 200 times.
This is a total of 400ml of TurfSolv solution. You then need to mix the 400ml of TurfSolv with 100ml of water 200 times, giving a total of 20 litres.
Apply the prepared solution evenly to the required area and lightly water after application
Reapply with the same quantities of TurfSolv and water 3 to 5 days later.
If, however, your infestation is particularly severe and your lawn is suffering, you can take a more targeted approach.
Targeted Application In Autumn And Winter:
Mix 2ml of TurfSolv in 100ml in water for every square metre of the lawn.
Evenly apply to the lawn and lightly water. Repeat in 3 to 5 days, and then reapply once every 3 to 4 weeks. This will ensure that all larvae are killed and your lawn will have time to recover, ready for summer.
Targeted Application In Spring And Summer:
If you notice larvae during spring and summer, you can follow the same application processes above.
Simply dilute TurfSolv to the correct strength and apply every 2 to 3 weeks. This will help keep the larvae population down as well as keeping your lawn healthy – fewer larvae munching on the roots and stems means a lusher lawn.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is TurfSolv Good For The Environment?
Yes, TurfSolv is certainly better for the environment than other pest and disease control products available for lawn care.
TurfSolv is incredibly concentrated which means that it is used at comparatively low volumes and the fewer additional products you add to the environment, the less severe the impact.
The ingredients of TurfSolv are also all water soluble and easily biodegradable, causing a much less sever impact on the landscape overall.
As for its wider environmental impact, TurfSolv contains zero petrochemicals. This is different from other companies who have been using the same harmful petrochemical-based insecticides since the 1950s. You can truly say that TurfSolv are bringing lawn care into this century.
Is TurfSolv Safe For Humans To Be Around?
Yes, TurfSolv will cause no harm to humans who are exposed to it. Unlike other insecticides and lawn treatments, TurfSolv contains no harmful acids or caustics and is completely non-toxic which keeps everyone safe.
There is also no need for downtime with TurfSolv so everyone can immediately go back to enjoying the green space after application.
Does TurfSolv Treat Leatherjacket Grubs?
Yes, TurfSolv will treat leatherjacket grubs. Correctly applied TurfSolv will also treat chafer grubs – larvae of the Chafer beetle – and fungal disease.
Simply mix 2ml of TurfSolv for every square metre of your lawn will 100ml of water and evenly apply. Repeat a few days later and, as part of a general maintenance routine for optimum lawn health, reapply every few weeks.
Is TurfSolv Value For Money?
Compared to other environmentally friendly pest control products, TurfSolv is great value for money. Unlike nematodes, a popular pest control solution that does not involve using harsh chemicals, you do not need to frequently reapply as TurfSolv has long lasting results.
Even if you did opt to apply TurfSolv regularly, the volume of solution that is needed to cover an entire lawn is such that your wallet will take much less of a hit.
You can get Turfsolv here from lawnright (with free delivery). LawnRight are a lawn treatment company that advocate using organic products wherever possible.