Taking care of your turf should not be a hassle.
Everyone wants lush green grass in their garden that looks healthy all year round, but sometimes you may notice that your lawn turf is not looking its best. Perhaps the grass is beginning to look patchy, or turning yellow, and it is starting to be a little embarrassing.
How do you fix it? You don’t want to spend hours out in your garden trying to treat your lawn turf, especially in typical British weather – so how can you fix your turf problems with little effort and stress?
Well, have no fear – TurfSolv is one of the most recommended solutions to gardeners that can help eradicate the problems affecting your lawn during any season. However, it is not uncommon to hear stories about gardeners who have dumped the whole solution over their turf and are confused why it hasn’t worked.
To save you a lot of confusion and worry, here is everything you need to know about TurfSolv and how to use it effectively in your garden so you can enjoy a nice healthy lawn all year.
What Is TurfSolv?
TurfSolv is a solution that is a blend of biological substances and compounds that can stimulate grass and root growth. The solution is made at home here in the United Kingdom and is the accumulation of years of studies and research around plant nutrition and best control.
It is a bio-based formulated product, and does not contain toxic or petroleum-based chemicals that could damage the environment.
It is used to help your lawn turf grow healthily and can be used to fix many issues that can damage your grass including grubs, fungi and disease. TurfSolv helps grass to recover from damage and helps to restore your turf to its former glory.
It is also an accompaniment to traditional fertilisers and weed killers so it is safe to use with a lot of other products that you may have already used on your turf. Due to this, TurfSolv is a popular solution chosen by gardeners, golf clubs, and lawn specialists all across the UK.
So if you are having problems with your turf and your grass is in need of some treatment, then you will probably be recommended TurfSolv as it can help your lawn bounce back from a number of different problems.
But how do you use TurfSolv?
Identifying Your Turf’s Problems And Its Solution
When it comes to using TurfSolv, you first need to know what is wrong with your turf. Once you have identified the problem and its cause, you can now learn how to correctly apply it to your lawn turf.
Because TurfSolv is a solution, it needs to be diluted with water and applied repeatedly to the infected areas of your turf – but the amount of solution to use and how often you repeat the process all depends on what is actually affecting your turf.
The four main issues that plague lawn turfs all across the UK are pests, parasites, disease, and fungi. TurfSolv is specifically designed to tackle these four issues but it is important for you to know which of these issues is affecting your turf so you can find out how much TurfSolv you should be applying to your turf and when.

Pests that infest grassy turfs are most commonly found to be insect larvae. The most annoying of these insects are Leather Jackets (Crane Fly larvae) and Chafer Grubs (Chafer Beetle larvae). These insects (along with other less common pests like Frit Fly and St Mark’s Fly) will hatch in the soil and feed on the roots of your grass.
Not only that, but birds will try and rip up the grass to look for larvae to feed on. To find out if your lawn is infested with grubs, you should look for irregular brown patches and birds pecking at your grass – they won’t be there unless they were looking for some food.
To help your grass recover from larvae from making themselves at home in your garden, you will need a large garden trigger sprayer and know the total area of your turf. You should apply TurfSolv at 2ml in every 100ml water per m2 – so if you need the solution to cover 50m2 of turf, you will need 5 litres of water and 100ml of TurfSolv solution.
Once your sprayer is filled, screw on the cap and get spraying. Repeat the process again after 3-5 days. This should be done every 3-4 weeks, all year round, to promote healthy grass growth.
Another issue that may affect your turf is parasites. The most common parasites are plant-parasitic nematodes, which infest grass during the summer months. They penetrate grass roots and feed off the nutrients that the plants rely on for healthy growth.
This weakens the grass and leaves it susceptible to other problems like disease and slow recovery to wear. Grass will yellow and wilt, making it look extremely unhealthy and unhappy.
To encourage your turf to grow healthily, you will need to apply TurfSolv during the early summer. Apply TurfSolv at 1ml in 100ml water per m2, and repeat the process again 3-5 days later. Continue this process every 3-4 weeks over the rest of the summer so your grass can stay strong while your family enjoys your garden in the sunny weather.
Using TurfSolv encourages the growth of soil microorganisms that help naturally control the parasitic nematodes, so there are less nematodes stealing your turf’s much needed nutrients.
If your turf’s health has been reduced by parasites, it is possible it may also become infected with disease. Grass diseases are common in the UK and can occur at any time of the year.. Diseases that may affect your turf during the summer include Anthracnose and Red Thread, while Fusarium Patch is more common during autumn and winter.
The cause of disease in turfs is due to a lack of nutrients, so apply TurfSolv at 1ml in 100ml water per m2 from March to September to ensure that your grass is getting all the nutrients it needs to fight off diseases and infections.
Between October and February, you should increase the amount of TurfSolv you use to 2ml in 100 water per m2. Continue this process every 3-4 weeks to maintain a healthy turf.
Finally, you have fungi. A common fungi infection in grass are fairy rings, which are caused by organic matter (such as mushrooms) being broken down and releasing nutrients. The fungus also coats soil with a water-resistant film that causes the grass to die from drought. This causes you to have dark circles to appear in your turf.
To solve this problem, spike holes with a garden fork about 10cm deep into the ring and flood these holes with 1ml in 50ml diluted solution of TurfSolv. Repeat this process every two weeks until the rings disappear.
And there we have it – how to diagnose your turf and how much TurfSolv you should be using to treat these issues. Remember to use a large garden trigger spray to apply the TurfSolv solution (these can be bought at any garden centre) as this will make the whole process easier for you. You can grab some from the Lawnright website
Happy gardening!